Tonight, as I took a taxi across the river to the beach side of town, I was finally able to capture on video two things I love about Da Nang.
- Firstly is the Disco Bridge (real name Han Bridge), the main bridge to cross the river which splits the town in two. This bridge is one of 3 (soon to be four when the suspension bridge is finished) but is the busiest with an entirely logical and seriously murderous roundabout at the end on the town side. We came the closest to an accident in Da Nang that I have had yet, as our bike clipped another at this roundabout. Seriously... I hate this roundabout. But I have nicknamed it the 'disco bridge' as it has brilliant strobe lighting. Very Gold Coast. I didn't catch much of the strobe, but you get an idea of the traffic and the layout along the river, as well as the mental traffic and constant honking.
- Secondly, council workers have been working furiously and in quite treacherous conditions, to string up about a million fairy lights along the main street the disco bridge is on. It's definately enough to give you a seizure but it's brilliant to drive under and hopefully when the rain stops I will walk under it also and get some more photos. Its up for lunar new year so it should be around until end of January. Enjoy in all it's strobey goodness.
P.S. Mike stop trying to shift the blame for the creepy anonymous comments from you to me...
Coming up next: Xmas in Da Nang
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