Saturday night we had a dinner at Ian's (my new boss) house and I met a couple of girls from the Project Office. I also had my first ride on a motorbike, as we went for a drink with the ex-pat network that has been established here in Da Nang. A lot of that group are American ex army men who have come back and married.
Sunday was spent house hunting and more motorbike riding. I am now in the possession of a brand-new spanking helmet of my own, complete with full face visor. Its very cute. We also did quite a bit of house hounting today. If I choose, I can get a three or four story place to myself with 3 to 4 bedrooms and bathrooms for about $300 USD a month but I think I will hold out for something a bit smaller.
Also late this afternoon I got to step foot on China Beach here in Da Nang. The city is split into two sections, one of the ocean side of the river and the other on the mountain side of the river. If I can I'm going to live on the beach side and use my pushbike to get around, with the view to learning how to ride a motorbike in the near future.
Keep the comments rolling in and love to you all.
Amy xoxo
Firstly what beer was it!
Was it TIGER grrrr.
Alex would be proud.
As for the push bike, ditch that and get your groove on I'm sure you could ride a motorbike.
xoxoxo (i am staying in a house with cable and saw my first gossip girl in over 3 months it was rad)
Stop complaining about the storms you know you love wet nam
gossip girl.
the beach looks so amazing.
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